Sunday, February 21, 2016

She Coloured and Coloured and Coloured

  The boys would eventually get bored and leave. She would turn to him, freckles and eyes and prettiness, and say, 'What have you been drawing then?'

  'The sea,' he would answer as normal and then ask, 'Can you draw?'

  And she would say, 'No. I prefer colouring.'

  'Here you are then.' Iris tore out a sheet of paper from his sketchpad, quickly drew a few circles for her to work with and handed her the pencils. 'You can colour these. That will give you something to do.'

  And she was so touched. Happy to be included. She coloured and coloured and coloured until every circle was completely stacked with colour and when she was done he drew double the amount of circles and when she was done he drew double the amount the circles and when she was done he drew double again. And each time she filled the lines with colour. I think she loved them all the more because she was filling in his hand-drawn pencil lines.

Lorali, P252
Laura Dockrill
ISBN 978-1-4714-0422-1

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