Sunday, November 22, 2015

As a Ninety-Seven

  The conversation dwindled further, and I made my excuses, Newton dragging me forward until we reached a large stretch of grass. This is what dogs liked to do, I discovered. They liked to run around on grass, pretending they were free, shouting, 'We're free, we're free, look, look, look how free we are!' at each other. It really was a sorry sight. But it worked for them, and for Newton in particular. It was a collective illusion they had chosen to swallow and they are submitting to it wholeheartedly, without any nostalgia for their former wolf selves.

  That was the remarkable thing about humans - their ability to shape the path of other species, to change their fundamental nature. Maybe it could happen to me, maybe I could be changed, maybe I already was being changed? Who knew? I hoped not. I hoped I was staying as pure as I had been told, as strong and isolated as a prime, as a ninety-seven.

The Humans, P101-102
Matt Haig
ISBN 978-0-85786-876-3

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