Sunday, October 23, 2016

Nomadic Thing

  “Is a tree a nomad?” she asked, almost breathless with the beauty of this concept.

  “I think so. Yeah, I think everything that exists would be a nomad, kind of. I don’t know. I haven’t read Leibniz in years.”

  Lorrie just stared at him. She wanted to pick him up and shake him up and down until all of the amazing things inside of him came out, so that she could paw through all the ideas like a kid going through the fallen candy from a piñata.

  “So with women, it seems like this nomadic thing, like the universe is actually going to change in response to the way they are changing themselves, and they are actually changing themselves by changing the way they looked at the universe. They are so much more in tune with their intuition than men, and their sense of destiny is more holistic and that demands this kind of integration, not only within society, but within themselves. They are looking to be right sized. So that they work right with all the other nomads and they are in harmony like they should be. So I guess when I said they were Luthers with vaginas, what I really means is tat they are going to take the holy book and translate it, so it isn’t in Latin anymore, but in their own tongue, and that’s going to change the nature of the book itself. Shazam!”

The Girls from Corona del Mar, P95
Rufi Thrope
ISBN 978-0-385-35196-6

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