Sunday, September 17, 2017

Doing and Un-doing and Doing Again

  I realised, though I was on Earth, I had been living this past year as I had always lived. I was just thinking I could carry on, moving forward. But I was not me any more. I was a human, give or take. And humans are about change. This is how they survive, by doing and un-doing and doing again.

  I had done some things I couldn't undo, but there were others I could amend. I had become a human by betraying rationality and obeying feeling. To stay me, I knew there would come a point when I would have to do the same again.

  Time passed.

  Squinting, I looked again to the sky.

  The Earth's sun can look very much alone, yet it has relatives all across this galaxy, stars that were born in the exact same place, but which were now very far away from each other, lighting very different worlds.

  I was like a sun.

  I was a long way from where I started. And I have changed. Once I thought I could pass through time like a neutrino passes through matter, effortlessly and without stopping to think, because time would never run out.

The Humans, P288
Matt Haig
ISBN 978-0-85786-876-3

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