Saturday, April 14, 2018

An Average Mosquito

  When the driver's window opened, Corrina flew into the night, higher and higher. She made a high-pitched whine as she headed toward the nearest trees. She was aiming for a constellation of stars that she recognized from home.

  She felt something tug one of her legs. When she looked down, she saw nervous-looking mosquito.

  "Hey! Where are you going?" the jittery mosquito asked.


  "You flying to the moon or something?" He was shivering in the cold air, his big round eyes staring and his wings beating wildly. He had never been this high before, and it took all his energy.

  "I'm trying to get home to my family."

  Corina could hear that he was out of breath. She slowed her wings so they buzzed at the same speed as his.

  The two hovered in the big sky. He kept moving between her and the moon, shifting expectantly from side to side. It was then, while his shivering silhouette floated between her and the sky —— his shoulders and wings pumping up and down in front of the yellow moon —— that Corrina fell in love. She fell in love with the last mosquito her mother would have wanted for her. A floater by the highway!

  Brad Needles had fallen in love, too. Mosquitoes, on average, fall in love very quickly, and he was an average mosquito. To him, Corrina was the most beautiful mosquito north of the highway.

  Soon Corrina and Brad floated down through the sky together, gliding past trees. In the blue glow of GAS FOR SALE sign they got married and were swarmed by well-wishers.

The Mosquito Brothers, P33-35
Griffin Ondaatje
ISBN 978-1-55498-437-4

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