Sunday, May 27, 2018

He Loved These Woods

Other times he walked in the nearby woods watched over by the jagged peaks of the coastal range. He loved these woods. He had worked in them his whole life, and they had been his playground as a child long, long ago.

He knew each tree, each clearing, each trail and where it led.
He knew where to collect the best salal to send to florist shop in the city.
He knew where to gather watercress for his soups.
And he was always on the lookout for fallen logs, which could be sawed up for firewood to keep the chill of winter from his old bones.
But sometimes he just stared out at the fish boats that bobbed on the misty grey water, and waited for the orcas to return.

Waiting for the Whales
Sheryl McFarlane & Ron Lightburn
ISBN 978-1-4598-1378-6

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