Saturday, May 16, 2015

Finding Pleasure in Others' Pain

  And yes, again, that was it exactly. A retyper and not a writer. A prodigy and not a genius. It was so quiet then that he could hear Princess breathing, and he felt the missing piece inside him. "I just want to do something that matters. Or be something that matters. I just want to matter."

  Lindsey didn't answer right away, but she leaned in toward Colin and he could smell her fruity perfume, and then she lay down next to him on her back, the crown of her head just brushing against his shorts. "I think we're opposites, you and me," she said finally. "Because personally I think mattering is a piss-poor idea. I just want to fly under the radar, because when you start to make yourself into a big deal, that's when you get shot down. The bigger a deal you are, the worse your life is. Look at, like, the miserable lives of famous people."

  "Is that why you read Celebrity Living?"

  Lindsey nodded. "Yeah. Totally — there's a word in German for it. God, it's on the tip of — a . . ."

  "Schadenfreude," Colin said. Finding pleasure in others' pain.

  "Right! So, anyway," Lindsey went on, "take staying here. Hollis always tells me that nothing really good will ever happen to me if I stay in Gutshot; and maybe that's true. But nothing really bad will ever happen, either, and I'll take that bargain any day.”

An Abundance of Katherines, P94
John Green
ISBN 978-0-14-241070-7

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