Saturday, December 3, 2016

I'm Full of Shit

  "Do you ever wonder whether people would like you more or less if they could see inside you? I mean, I've always felt like the Katherines dump me right when they start to see what I look like from the inside — well, except K-19. But I always wonder about that. If people could see me the way I see myself — if they could live in my memories—would anyone, anyone, love me?"

  "Well, he doesn't love me now. We've been dating for two years and he's never once said it. But he would really not love me if he could see inside. Because he's so real about everything. I mean, you can say a lot of shit about Colin, but he is completely himself. He's going to work in that factory his whole life, and he's going to have the same friends, and he's really happy with that, and he thinks it matters. But if he knew . . ."

  "What? Finish that sentence."

  "I'm full of shit. I'm never myself. I've got a Southern accent around the oldsters; I'm a nerd for graphs and deep thoughts around you; I'm Miss Bubbly Pretty Princess with Colin. I'm nothing. The thing about chameleoning your way through life is that it gets to where nothing is real. Your problem is — how did you say it — that you're not significant?"

  "Don't matter. I don't matter."

  "Right, matter. Well, but at least you can get to the part where you don't matter. Things about you, and things about Colin, and things about Hassan and Katrina, are either true or they aren't true. Katrina is bubbly. Hassan is hilarious. But I'm not like that. I'm what I need to be at any moment to stay above the ground but below the radar. The only sentence that begins with 'I' that's true of me is I'm full of shit."

An Abundance of Katherines, P149-150
John Green
ISBN 978-0-14-241070-7

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