Sunday, December 25, 2016


















森下典子 著  羊恩媺 译
ISBN 978-986-6319-73-0

Saturday, December 24, 2016












  仿佛卷发一般的扁面好夹好吃,弯曲的地方还会沾满柴鱼酱油口味的面汤。面的表面滑溜溜的,膨胀而有些透明、Q 弹,也会吸一点面汤。










森下典子 著  羊恩媺 译
ISBN 978-986-6319-73-0

Sunday, December 18, 2016







































森下典子 著  羊恩媺 译
ISBN 978-986-6319-73-0


















森下典子 著  羊恩媺 译
ISBN 978-986-6319-73-0

Saturday, December 17, 2016














森下典子 著  羊恩媺 译
ISBN 978-986-6319-73-0





















森下典子 著  羊恩媺 译
ISBN 978-986-6319-73-0

Sunday, December 11, 2016

















森下典子 著  羊恩媺 译
ISBN 978-986-6319-73-0



















森下典子 著  羊恩媺 译
ISBN 978-986-6319-73-0

Saturday, December 10, 2016

There was Room Enough to be Anyone

  So Colin drove past the Hardee's and out onto the interstate headed north. As the staggered lines rushed past him, he thought about the space between what we remember and what happened, the space between what we predict and what will happen. And in that space, Colin thought, there was room enough to reinvent himself — room enough to make himself into something other than a prodigy, to remake his story better and different — room enough to be reborn again and again. A snake killer, an Archduke, a slayer of TOCs — a genius, even. There was room enough to be anyone — anyone except whom he'd already been, for if Colin had learned one thing from Gutshot, it's that you can't stop the future from coming. And for the first time in his life, he smiled thinking about the always-coming infinite future stretching out before him.

An Abundance of Katherines, P214-215
John Green
ISBN 978-0-14-241070-7

Sunday, December 4, 2016

A Natural Born Storyteller

  "Did I tell you I dumped one of the Katherines?"

  "You what? No."

  "I did, apparently. Katherine the Third. I just completely misremembered it. I mean, I always assumed that all the things I did remember were true."



  "Well, but it's not as good a story if you dumped her. That's how I remember things, anyway. I remember stories. I connect the dots and then out of that comes a story. And the dots that don't fit into the story just slide away, maybe. Like when you spot a constellation. You look up and you don't see all the stars. All the stars just look like the big fugging random mess that they are. But you want to see shapes; you want to see stories, so you pick them out of the sky. Hassan told me once you think like that, too —that you see connections everywhere — so you're a natural born storyteller, it turns out.'

  'I never thought about it like that. I—huh. It makes sense.'

  "So tell me the story."

  "What? The whole thing?"

  "Yeah. Romance, adventure, morals, everything."

An Abundance of Katherines, P202
John Green
ISBN 978-0-14-241070-7

Saturday, December 3, 2016

I'm Full of Shit

  "Do you ever wonder whether people would like you more or less if they could see inside you? I mean, I've always felt like the Katherines dump me right when they start to see what I look like from the inside — well, except K-19. But I always wonder about that. If people could see me the way I see myself — if they could live in my memories—would anyone, anyone, love me?"

  "Well, he doesn't love me now. We've been dating for two years and he's never once said it. But he would really not love me if he could see inside. Because he's so real about everything. I mean, you can say a lot of shit about Colin, but he is completely himself. He's going to work in that factory his whole life, and he's going to have the same friends, and he's really happy with that, and he thinks it matters. But if he knew . . ."

  "What? Finish that sentence."

  "I'm full of shit. I'm never myself. I've got a Southern accent around the oldsters; I'm a nerd for graphs and deep thoughts around you; I'm Miss Bubbly Pretty Princess with Colin. I'm nothing. The thing about chameleoning your way through life is that it gets to where nothing is real. Your problem is — how did you say it — that you're not significant?"

  "Don't matter. I don't matter."

  "Right, matter. Well, but at least you can get to the part where you don't matter. Things about you, and things about Colin, and things about Hassan and Katrina, are either true or they aren't true. Katrina is bubbly. Hassan is hilarious. But I'm not like that. I'm what I need to be at any moment to stay above the ground but below the radar. The only sentence that begins with 'I' that's true of me is I'm full of shit."

An Abundance of Katherines, P149-150
John Green
ISBN 978-0-14-241070-7

Sunday, November 27, 2016

But You Can Never Love People As Much As You Can Miss Them

  He could hear her eyes rolling as she said, "You are probably the only person I've ever known who wants to be a Siamese twin."

  "Conjoined twin," Colin corrected. "Did you know that there is a word for a person who is not a conjoined twin?" he asked her.

  "No. What is it? Normal person?"

  "Singleton," he said. "The word is Singleton." And she said, “That's funny, Col. Listen, I really have to go. I've got to pack for camp. Maybe we shouldn't talk till I get back. Just some time away from it would be good for you, I think." And even though he wanted to say, We're supposed to be FRIENDS, remember? And What is it? New boyfriend? And I love you entirely, he just mumbled, "Just please listen to the message," and then she said, "Okay. Bye," and he didn't say anything because he wasn't going to be the person who ended the conversation or hung up, and then he heard the deadness in his ear and it was over. Colin lay down on the dry, orange dirt and let the tall grass swallow him up, making him invisible. The sweat pouring down his face was indistinguishable from his tears. He was finally—finally—crying. He remembered their arms entangled, their stupid little inside jokes, the way he felt when he would come over to her house after school and see her reading through the window. He missed it all. He thought of being with her in college, having the freedom to sleep over whenever they wanted, both of them at Northwestern together. He missed that, too, and it hadn’t even happened. He missed his imagined future.

  You can love someone so much, he thought. But you can never love people as much as you can miss them.

An Abundance of Katherines, P104-105
John Green
ISBN 978-0-14-241070-7

Like Strawwwwwberry Wine

  They left after interviewing Katherine Layne. They drove around in Satan‘s Hearse for a while, getting good and lost with the windows rolled down, driving down a two-lane highway toward absolutely nothing. They listened to a country radio station turned up so loud that the twangs of steel guitars were distorted in the Hearse’s old speakers. When they could catch on to the chorus, they sang loud and off-key and didn‘t give a shit. And it felt so good to sing with those trumped-up, hound-dog country accents. Colin felt sad, but it was an exhilarating and infinite sadness, like it connected him to Hassan and to the ridiculous songs and mostly to her, and Colin was shouting, "Like Strawwwwwberry Wine," when all of a sudden he turned to Hassan and said, "Wait, stop here." Hassan pulled over on the gravel shoulder of the road and Colin hopped out and pulled out his telephone.


An Abundance of Katherines, P102-103
John Green
ISBN 978-0-14-241070-7

Saturday, November 26, 2016

It Tasted A Little Like Lemonade, Except Somehow More Grown-up

  "Y'all want some tea?" Starnes asked. Without waiting for an answer, he stood up and walked into the kitchen.

  At once sweet and bitter, it tasted a little like lemonade, except somehow more grown-up. Colin loved it — it was everything he'd hoped coffee would be — and helped himself to several glasses while Starnes talked, pausing only to take his medication (once) and go to the bathroom (four times; old people do that — they seem to love bathrooms).

An Abundance of Katherines, P81
John Green
ISBN 978-0-14-241070-7

Caffeinated Stomach Bile

  He called the future Katherine XIX that Friday after school and asked her out for coffee the next day, and she said yes. It was the same coffee shop where they'd had their first two meetings — perfectly pleasant events filled with so much sexual tension that he couldn't help but get a little bit turned on just from her casually touching his hand. He would put his hands up on the table, in fact, because he wanted them within her reach.

  The coffee shop was a few miles from Katherine's house and four buildings down from Colin’s. Called Café Sel Marie, it served some of the best coffee in Chicago, which didn't matter at all to Colin, because Colin didn't like coffee. He liked the idea of coffee quite a lot — a warm drink that gave you energy and had been for centuries associated with sophisticates and intellectuals. But coffee itself tasted to him like caffeinated stomach bile. So he did an end-around on the unfortunate taste by drowning his java in cream, for which Katherine gently teased him that afternoon. It rather goes without saying that Katherine drank her coffee black. Katherines do, generally. They like their coffee like they like their ex-boyfriends: bitter.

An Abundance of Katherines, P77
John Green
ISBN 978-0-14-241070-7

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Not Without Her Heart

  ... ...

  It might never have occurred to the girl what to do had she not met someone smaller and still curious about the world.

  There was a time when the girl would have know how to answer her.

  But not now. Not without her heart.

  ... ...

The Heart and the Bottle
Oliver Jeffers
ISBN 978-0-00-718234-3

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Humphrey's Family

  Here is Baby Jack, Humphrey's little brother.

  Baby Jack's favourite toy is Dog.

  Dog used to bark but the string broke.

  Baby Jack always talks baby talk.

  He dribbles quite a lot too ...

  Baby Jack likes joining in ... but he can't really play properly (because he is too young to understand).

Humphrey's Family
Sally Hunter
ISBN 978-0-140-56930-8

Sunday, November 13, 2016

One Fine Day

  ... ...

  So the fox found a peddler and said, "There is a pretty maiden down the road and if you give me one blue bead for her she'll be pleased with you and pleased with me. Then she'll give me her jug so I can fetch some water to give the field to get some grass to feed the cow to get some milk to give the old woman to sew my tail in place."

  But the peddler was not taken in by the promise of a pretty smile or the cleverness of the fox and he replied, "Pay me an egg and I'll give you a bead."

  ... ...

One Fine Day
by Nonny Hogrogian
ISBN 978-0-02-043620-1

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Me Too

  I started to cry.

  'Pingu sad,' said my little brother.

  And I explained that Pingu was sad because his mother and father had been run over by a terrible red truck which came slidding over the ice. The Pingu and his little sister couldn't get inside the igloo. They sat outside, freezing.

  Pingu cried louder and louder.

  'Other one,' said my little brother.

  He wanted something different on TV. Me too.

When we were alone in the World
Ulf Nilsson, Eva Eriksson
ISBN 978-1-877467-34-9

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Nothing More Than an Ordinary Part of Life

  The Valium helped, but it still seemed to be an eternity before they arrived in Goa and the bus ride came to an end. Lor realized that the fact that she was in such psychological distress from a simple nine hours of discomfort —— not even pain, just discomfort —— was a sign of how different she was from the Indians around her, who accepted this trial as nothing more than an ordinary part of life. All of the Indians were laughing and excited as they exited the bus, stretching their limbs joyfully, ready for a day of touring in sunny Goa. Arman, even, had taken it a bit better than she had, and it made her understand more fully how much one is changed by war. Lor, of course, had never fought in a war. She had never even run an obstacle course. The most that she had done, really, was birth a child —— even that she had done with an epidural and, in the end, while unconscious.

  It made her think that all of Arman’s talk about fat-fuck Americans being somehow unworthy of their status as world megapower was more justified than she had first thought.

The Girls from Corona del Mar, P147
Rufi Thorpe
ISBN 978-0-385-35196-6

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Right Thing to Do

  “I hate this fucking sentiment that you’re expressing. It’s a common one. The sacred child who must be cared for no matter what, no matter what the cost. You know, if this were a hundred years ago, Zach would have been left out in the woods. Because they knew —— they knew no baby deserved to suffer like that, and no mother deserved to suffer that way either. But we’ve lost that. We’ve completely lost our fucking minds, so now the ‘right thing to do’ is to make him suffer pain we wouldn’t wish on our worst enemy. That’s the civilized thing to do. To torture him to death inside his own body by refusing to let him die. He can’t even eat! What animal is kept alive past the point where it can't eat? It’s disgusting. It’s foul. I couldn’t watch it anymore. I couldn’t be part of it.”

The Girls from Corona del Mar, P134~135
Rufi Thrope
ISBN 978-0-385-35196-6

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Nomadic Thing

  “Is a tree a nomad?” she asked, almost breathless with the beauty of this concept.

  “I think so. Yeah, I think everything that exists would be a nomad, kind of. I don’t know. I haven’t read Leibniz in years.”

  Lorrie just stared at him. She wanted to pick him up and shake him up and down until all of the amazing things inside of him came out, so that she could paw through all the ideas like a kid going through the fallen candy from a piñata.

  “So with women, it seems like this nomadic thing, like the universe is actually going to change in response to the way they are changing themselves, and they are actually changing themselves by changing the way they looked at the universe. They are so much more in tune with their intuition than men, and their sense of destiny is more holistic and that demands this kind of integration, not only within society, but within themselves. They are looking to be right sized. So that they work right with all the other nomads and they are in harmony like they should be. So I guess when I said they were Luthers with vaginas, what I really means is tat they are going to take the holy book and translate it, so it isn’t in Latin anymore, but in their own tongue, and that’s going to change the nature of the book itself. Shazam!”

The Girls from Corona del Mar, P95
Rufi Thrope
ISBN 978-0-385-35196-6

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Pea-Proof Mattresses!

  Pea-Proof Mattresses!

  Princess Mattresses are truly fit for royalty! Don't lose another second of sleep to pesky peas placed precisely under your posterior!

Hildie Bitterpickles Needs Her Sleep
by Robin Newman, illustrated by Chris Ewald
ISBN 978-1-939547-23-1

Hildie and Clawdia

  There's a little - known secret about Hildie Bitterpickles. She needs her sleep.

  Every night brushes her teeth, puts away her spell book, and goes to bed with her cat, Clawdia.

  Until the night when Hildie's quiet neighborhood changed.

  Someone moved in next door. A very big someone. A very loud someone.

  ... ...

Hildie Bitterpickles Needs Her Sleep
by Robin Newman, illustrated by Chris Ewald
ISBN 978-1-939547-23-1

Sunday, October 9, 2016




几米 作品
ISBN 978-986-213-677-5




几米 作品
ISBN 978-986-213-677-5






几米 作品
ISBN 978-986-213-677-5

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Shadows of Ourselves

  "D'you think people leave impressions of themselves in a place?" I asked.

  "After they've died, you mean?"

  I scored a cross in a square. "No, after they've been somewhere." I told him about the flashback images of my childhood. "It happened a few times while we've been on Bryher. Like the island is covered with traces of me from the past."

  "Maybe it is." Uman made a nought, won the game.

  "Wouldn't it be weird if we left millions of shadows of ourselves wherever we went?"

  He seemed to give it some thought. "Or what if there are millions of shadows of us in all the places in the world we haven't been to yet," he said, "just waiting for us to make them real?"

  I frowned. "How would that work?"

  "Oh, and your idea does work?"

  "Yeah, I mean, if you walk along this beach," I gesture at the wet sand, "you're going to leave a trail of footprints behind you —— but you can't leave footprints ahead of you."

  "Not literally, no." He'd scuffed out the game and was marking the grid for a new one. "But in here," he tapped his head, "you can leave footprints wherever you like."

Twenty Questions for Gloria, p263
Martin Bedford
ISBN 978-1-4063-6353-1

Saturday, October 1, 2016

It's Saturday

  "On Saturday, breakfast is much better."


  "Glug! Glug!"

  "See - it's the same but it tastes so much better."

  "And that's because it's SATURDAY!"

The Big Wet Balloon, P8
by Liniers
ISBN 978-1-935179-32-0

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Indonesian Archipelago

  "Taking the piss out of him wasn't such a good idea, was it?" I said.

  "He would've done it anyway. Guys like that, they're looking for a fight —— and I just happened to be there, wearing the wrong skin colour and a silly hat."

  "Yeah, but ——"

  "Gloria, it's what I do. He has his fists and feet, I have my words —— my devastating wit and, frankly, genius-level intelligence. And you know what? In those few seconds before he hit me, I really, really enjoyed showing him how stupid he was."

  "Can I say 'yeah, but' again?"

  "No, you can't. And my final point is, my injuries will heal —— but he's going to remain a stupid, violent, racist bastard for the rest of his life." One or two passers-by glanced at him. Uman pressed the tissue against his nose, which had sprung a fresh leak. He held the tissue for me to see. "Look, the bloodstains have formed the exact pattern of the Indonesian archipelago."

Twenty Questions for Gloria, p235
Martin Bedford
ISBN 978-1-4063-6353-1

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Stowaway Time

  "You don't like escapism?" I said, trying not to laugh.

  "No. I don't."

  "So what we have been doing for the last ten days?"

  "This isn't an escape from reality," Uman said. "This is our reality."

  Was it? I guessed it was, if we choose it to be. But who gets to choose their own reality, really? An for how long, even if they do? It occurred to me, just then, that we were like small children covering our eyes with our hands and imagining that the other people couldn't see us. Or that the rest of the world would leave us alone.

  "The real reality is still out there," I said to Uman. "It doesn't go away."

  "I never said it did," he replied.

  We returned to an alleyway where we'd stashed our rucksacks behind an industrial-size rubbish bin. They were still there, protected from the rain by their waterproof covers.

  "Stowaway time?" Uman Said.

  "Stowaway time."

  Butterflies in the tummy time. ... ...

Twenty Questions for Gloria, p220-221
Martin Bedford
ISBN 978-1-4063-6353-1

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Lives as the River Does

  "Lives as the river does, never standing still or turning back but forever flowing onwards. If you should reach a dessert, transform yourself into cloud and float across it, then fall as rain on the other side to become a river once more." He shrugged. "It's an old Arabic proverb."

Twenty Questions for Gloria, p167
Martin Bedford
ISBN 978-1-4063-6353-1

Sunday, September 11, 2016


  I woke early. Phoneless, I had no idea what time it was, but when I unzipped the flap carefully, so as not to wake Uman, and poked my head out, a smoky just-after-dawn light seeped through the woods, turning the trees into charcoal sketches. All was quiet, except for the songs of unseen birds. Tired and just-woken grump as I was, the effect was calming.

  A movement caught my eye. A few metres away, a family of rabbits loped about the clearing: two adults, browsing, and four young, play-fighting. I held my breath, kept dead still. For a moment, they carried on, oblivious to my presence, then one of the adults spotted me and all six scampered into the bracken, vanishing so quickly and so totally that I might've imagined them. Thirty seconds, a minute? But those rabbit were the most magical thing I'd ever seen.

  I waited in the opening of the tent in the hope they'd come back. They didn't.

  Never mind. I was still smiling inside at the sight of them. At how beautiful the woods looked, now that the darkness had been erased by the breaking of a new day.

Twenty Questions for Gloria, p139-140
Martin Bedford
ISBN 978-1-4063-6353-1

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Strength of Character

  "You don't like me very much, do you?"

  Mum chips in. "Can you blame her, the way you're acting? You might think you're all grown up now, but——" Uman asked.

  "Look, we're all getting a bit tired and tetchy," R.I. Ryan says. "Shall we call a time-out?"

  I tell her that sounds like a brilliant idea.

  "And, Gloria. It's not a matter of liking or disliking. I'm just trying to establish the facts and sometimes that means asking you to talk about things you'd rather not." She pauses. "As it happens, though, I do like you. I wish I'd your strength of character when I was fifteen."

  I try to imagine what she was like when she was my age.

  I can't, though. Any more than I could look at a picture of myself when I was a baby and find signs of the girl I have become.

  Strength of character. Is that what I have? Uman thought so, and so does D.I. Ryan. But they've only seen what happens on the surface —— the things I do, the things I say —— and that's not where your character is. Uman knew me —— knows me —— better than anyone ever has, but even he never set foot inside my head or heart. Never thought my thoughts or felt what i felt.

Twenty Questions for Gloria, p114-115
Martin Bedford
ISBN 978-1-4063-6353-1

Sunday, September 4, 2016


  We talked about rules; how you decided which ones to obey and which to break. It was like a class discussion in Citizenship ... only, it was nothing like a class discussion in Citizenship.

  "Are you a rule breaker?" Uman asked.

  "In my head I am, yeah."

  "But not in practice."

  "No. Not often, anyway. And nothing on your scale."

  "Why is that, d'you think?"

  "Don't know. Fear, probably. Fear of getting in trouble."

  "And fear of standing out?" Uman suggested. "Fear of not fitting in?"

  "Yeah, that too. As I've got older, I've become less daring. I guess."

  He coughed. Just the once. "My father used to have a poster on the wall of his study —— a cartoon showing rows and rows of identical grey houses with identical grey roofs, with just one house in the middle with a roof painted in pink-and-purple stripes. Outside, the owner —— he's holding a paint pot and brush —— is being frogmarched down the street by the police." Another cough. It took Uman a moment to catch his breath. "As soon as I was old enough to understand that cartoon," he said. "I swore I would grow up to be a guy with a pink-and-purple roof."

Twenty Questions for Gloria, p70-71
Martin Bedford
ISBN 978-1-4063-6353-1

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Started with an Appearance

Where is he? It's all I can think about. Every minute since it ended.

D.I. Ryan wants to hear it from the beginning. The first of the fifteen days, I presume she means; the day I went missing. It started a couple of weeks before then, though.

  It started with an appearance, not a disappearance.

Twenty Questions for Gloria, p16
Martin Bedford
ISBN 978-1-4063-6353-1

Sunday, August 28, 2016

The Offering for A Good Year of Great Harvest

  The sun rose, and the king stood by the altar. He wore fine clothing and a golden crown. He really did look like the king of all the Incas. The king gave the offering for a good year of great harvest. "Inca forever!" he said. His voice was loud, like a real king's.

  Once the offering was burnt and the smoke rose towards the sun, the sacrifice was finished. The king blessed all the people there.

  In the Festival of Sun, the person playing the king offers the heart of llama, which is an animal like an alpaca but larger.

Land of the Sun
Written by Jong-soon Jo
Illustrated by Sinae Jo
Edited by Joy Cowley
ISBN 978-1-921790-62-1

Mum's Awana

  Mum was siting at her awana. Next to it were dyed alpaca threads. Soon the threads would be changed into cloth for warm clothing.

  Yana asked. "Mum, can I help? I want to learn how to weave."

  "You'll learn when you are older," said Mum. "Now, go and play."

  Yana felt very grumpy. She stamped out of the house.

  An awana is a wooden loom used for making cloth. Long threads are tied to a wooden frame. This is the wrap. Then threads are woven through them sideways. This is the weft. The cloth is woven to the size of the garment needed.

Land of the Sun
Written by Jong-soon Jo
Illustrated by Sinae Jo
Edited by Joy Cowley
ISBN 978-1-921790-62-1

She Felt Grumpy and Grumbled to Herself

  With his poncho thrown on the floor, Yana's brother Usco was shearing a young alpaca.

  "Usco, I have some corn for you. Is there anything I can do to help?"

  "You can help by staying still," said Usco to his sister.

  Yana felt grumpy. She grumbled to herself and ate some of the corn.

Land of the Sun
Written by Jong-soon Jo
Illustrated by Sinae Jo
Edited by Joy Cowley
ISBN 978-1-921790-62-1